Creative Fun
Creative Art & Craft Fun for Children age 18 months to 12 years old
Book a Class
Visit us to enjoy creative activities together without making the mess at home!
Painting, collage, making and more…. a wide range of ‘Make & Take’ crafts available to choose from including ceramic paint-a-pot.
Opportunities to create unique personalise gift including hand / foot print keepsakes.
Open term times, selected Saturdays and school holidays for all ages.
Check our website / Facebook / Instagram for current opening times.
Places can be limited so advance booking is advisable particularly on Saturdays and essential during school holidays.
Message, email or telephone to book a visit.
Your child gets help being creative for us parents who don’t have a great creative mind in a warm friendly environment, great to meet new people, both for the children and the parent!
Term Time Session Times
11:00am – 12:00pm
Variable – enquire / check our opening times before you travel
School Holidays:
Various days and times, check our opening times, Facebook or Instagram